Tuesday morning we woke up around 10:00, packed up like nomads one last time, and headed out to our last meal together before Meredith and I headed back to NC. I found a breakfast place near USC called Jacks N Joe that had good ratings on Yelp, so we headed there for some grub.
"The Pudgie Elvis" |
Meredith ordered the house specialty: "the pudgie elvis" which was 2 pancakes covered with bananas and a peanut butter sauce. I had an omelet with tomato, avocado, bacon, and cheese and it was delicious! During breakfast, Meredith and I almost got into a fist fight over a $4 debt she claimed I owed her. I know it was only $4, but after 12 days together, it didn't take much for us to get sassy with one another! Allison finally made us compromise and split the huge debt 50/50. sigh.
Also during breakfast, we learned that there had been an earthquake in Virginia! How crazy that there would be an earthquake at home when we were in California.
this picture makes me laughhh |
Once we finished breakfast we headed to LAX and said our goodbyes. It was hard saying goodbye to Allison, especially since she had no clue what she was getting into and was feeling nervous about everything. I wanted to pack up that little ninny in my carry-on and bring her home, but my bag was just too full already (seriously...I had a pair of shoes in my purse). So we hugged one last time and it was so long-farewell! Meredith and I hopped on our plane and got back to Raleigh around 11:30 pm Tuesday night. (Shout-out to my loving hubby who picked us up that late and had to work the next day!)
Every time I think back on this trip I still can't believe we did it! It seems so surreal. 3000 miles, 12 days, and 10 states with NO major issues! I can't believe we didn't have a flat tire, run out of gas, get in an accident, or get a speeding ticket the whole way! It was really a seamless trip which is shocking considering how little we had planned as far as hotels and stuff to do the last half of the trip. Even though the 3 of us didn't always see eye-to-eye, we actually got along really well for the most part and had a blast along the way.

There were times before we left that I considered backing out because of the expense and being away from home for 12 days, but I am so glad I decided to go. It was a once in a lifetime kind of trip and I am so thankful to have had those 12 days with Allison before she moved away from me! Allison is such a strong, brave, amazing person to be able to move thousands of miles away from family and friends (for the second time!), and I am so lucky to have had her as a best friend for 13+ years now!! I know she will do great things in California and I can't wait to hear about all her adventures...and hopefully about more celebrity sightings!
Smell ya later, CA! |
Now I'm back to my not as exciting life in Raleigh, that'll probably be the end of my blogging career! Thanks for reading : )
Stacey (aka Ninny Sea Buscuit)